Sunday, July 25, 2010

Books Galore!

Once again, thousands of book lovers flocked to the Singapore Expo during the 10th and 11th of July where the National Library held their annual book sale. Available to everyone, there were more than 370, 000 used library books and magazines of different categories and languages, all at ridiculous bargains of $2 - $5.

Devoted readers are in for a treat to non-fiction and fiction books which cater to people of all ages. Past issues of popular magazines like Her World and Reader’s Digest, are up for grabs followed by the launch of NLB first ever DVD borrowing service in collaboration with the Esplanade library.

With just a step into the expo hall, it is no doubt a book paradise for all. Bright fluorescent lights guided the bustling crowds to mental racks which were lined across the hall. A long mental pole was attached to each rack, clearly displaying the books’ genre and price.

“When I arrived for the book sale,” gushed Elias Lim, a secondary school student. “I immediately made my way to the ‘Pets and Animals’ section to find a book about dogs because I’m going a to get a puppy soon!”

Like Elias, many other readers have taken this opportunity to purchase manuals to expand on knowledge or just to explore and pursue a new hobby.

“I have always wanted to revamp my garden, but just haven’t got round to do so,” said Madam Tan “After hearing about this book sale, I dropped by to just take a look and now I’m purchasing 3 different types of gardening books at just $6 for all! I can’t wait to get started on my garden!”

From learning French to mastering martial arts, the avail of information is abundant. However, nothing beats the non-fiction books which has drawn a large percentage of the crowd.

Already holding a towering stack of books, Glenn Lim is thrilled at all these books.

“I’m really drawn by the price, each book at only 2 bucks! What a steal!” the Singapore Polytechnic Student exclaimed before adding one more book to his stack.

Even it was well-received by many, people still had a bone to pick with the book sale. One of which is the quality of books.

“I have half-expected myself to get carried away with my purchases,” explained Joanna Lum dejectedly. “But none of the non-fiction books appealed to me.”

‘Outdated’ and ‘lacklustre’ were some words the 18-year-old Junior College student continued to describe the content in the non-fiction department. There was also some inconsiderate hogging of spots around the racks by selfish shoppers who wanted to have a bird’s eye view of everything.

All in all, the NLB has yet another successful book sale. No doubt will there be thousands looking forward to next year’s sale.


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